Last friday I uninstalled my old SRO which I didnt played since 6 weeks and downloaded the new client. I installed it and the first time started the game it worked fine, but as i started it a second time without restarting my computer it started with a black screen with some colored spots. The sound worked still fine but my CPU capacity reached 100 and I completly lost the control of my computer. Sometimes I made it to open the taskmanager and could stop the process when I started the game again then it happened again... but sometimes I had error massages that told me that my graphic drivers didnt worked normally and the computer must reboot and last time i got the Blue Screen of Death. I had similar problems with other games like SW: Empire at War or Lord of the Rings Online Beta but in these cases I could stop the problems by activating VSync. Anyone can help me?
Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
OS Service Pack Service Pack 2
DirectX DirectX 9.0c
CPU Typ AMD Athlon 64, 2000 MHz 10 x 200 3200
Motherboard Name MSI MS-7010 Medion OEM
Motherboard Chipsatz VIA VT8383 Apollo K8T800, AMD Hammer
Arbeitsspeicher 1024 MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM
BIOS Typ Award 03/02/04
Grafikkarte NVIDIA GeForce 6800 128 MB
3D-Beschleuniger nVIDIA GeForce 6800
Monitor Plug und Play-Monitor [NoDB] 1412268072
I have the newest graphic driver for my GeForce 6800 forceware 94.24
Sorry for my bad english ^^
I could make a screenshot a few moments ago