dat is ne compilation, nach ausdrücklich nicht gefragt wurde :P
*AllInOneInventory v0.40 by Sarf
*Atlas v0.9.4 by Razark
*Auctioneer v2.04 by Norganna
*BankItems vK0.2a by Kaitlin
*CombatStats v3.95 by Glacier with minor modifications.
*Cooldown Count v0.34 by Sarf with Bibtoolbars support
*CT AllBags v1.0
*CT MasterMod v1.67 with modified defaults
*CT BagMod v1.1
*CT BuffMod v1.73
*CT HailMod v1.1
*CT ItemBuffs v1.33
*CT MailMod v1.1
*CT Moveable Bags v1.1a by POS modified by CT Mod Team
*CT Moveable Party v1.21
*CT PartyBuffs v1.42
*CT PartyHealth v1.2
*CT PlayerNotes v1.2
*CT QuestLevels v1.2
*CT Raid Assist v1.082
*CT TickMod 2.11
*CT Timer v1.1
*CT UnitFrames v1.56 with modified defaults
*Damage Watch v1.06 by Mairelon
*Defense Tracker v2.03 by Tekkub
*Enchantrix v1.14 by Norganna
*Enhanced TradeSkillFrame v1.11 by Pinky
*Equip Compare v2.6.2 by Legorol
*Gatherer v2.0.1 by Norganna
*Healix v4.4 by Lelek
*Insomniax BibCore v3.3 by Ian Bibby with modified defaults and new graphics by LedMirage
*Insomniax BibToolBars v3.3 by Ian Bibby with tweaks, modified defaults and new graphics by LedMirage
*Insomniax CombatCaller v1.0 a modified version of Alex Brazie's original by LedMirage
*Insomniax CustomTooltip v1.2 a modified version of Verona's original by LedMirage
*Insomniax Icon Mover v1.0 by Ramdor
*Insomniax PlayerFramePlus v1.1 by LedMirage
*Insomniax Shell Mini-map buttons by LedMirage
*KillLog v2.18 by Frenn
*LootLink v1.3.0 by Telo
*MapNotes v0.5.3 by Moeg with a fix to display raid members by LedMirage
*Monkey Buddy v1.5 by Trentin with modified defaults
*Monkey Speed v1.5.1 by Trentin with modified font
*Monkey Quest v1.5 by Trentin with modified font and defaults
*Name Cycle v0.3 by Iriel
*PetAttack v1.6 by Rauen
*PetDefend v1.6 by Rauen
*PetFeed v1.11 by Rauen. Updated/localized version by VincentGdG [DefaultState: Disabled]
*QuickLoot v1.3.0 by Telo
*Reputation v0.12 by Egris and Karmond
*Scrolling Combat Text v2.82 by Grayhoof
*SEA Library by Alexander Yoshi and Cide
*SelfCast v1.4.0 by Telo
*ShardTracker v1.1 non-cosmos by Cragganmore
*SmartPet v1.5 by Dreyruugr
*StatusBars 1.6.4 by Daniel Wesslen [DefaultState: Disabled]
*Titan Alarm Clock Wrangler v1.041 by Fallan
*Titan Panel v1.21 by TitanMod
*Toy Bar v0.4.2 by Ald(Huki)
*Warwatch v0.2 by Malphaseous
sind die die mir grad so einfalln ...