The story of one player who made over 3000 gold using only other player's skills, and how you can do the same!
How I earned all the gold for my epic mount in just 2 days using a secret farming system!
How you can be guaranteed to get rare items like the "dancing" flute
How to make huge profits selling items you can buy from vendors
How to learn what items are going to be worth insane gold soon- so you can buy them now and sell them later for massive profit!
How to farm rare patterns that sell for hundreds of gold
How you can double your profits from common items like cloth
Where to find the best items with the least competition even if your server is packed with other people farming for items.
Where to go to find items that everyone wants and needs but can't easily get- but you can!
Mobs that you can repeatedly kill for massive gold fast that no one else is bothering with
How to quickly identify items that are selling for way to little and easily sell them for huge gold